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Please provide us three dates for Activation of service provided to the vendor ie. DEC-7-16, DEC-8-16, DEC-9-16.

Ie. 9327 63 Ave NW, Edmonton AB T6E 0G2

Please include Suite # or Basement if required.

Please provide your account number found on your invoice for GETUS Services.

Please provide us your best contact number for a technician (if required)

I hereby agree to move my existing GETUS internet services from my existing residence / business to the new service address provided in full. GETUS will cancel service my existing service (on date of activation at new premises) and activate at my internet services at the new address provided. GETUS requests you bring your existing Modem and equipment to the new premises for activation date. There is a $49 Move Fee for GETUS Communications Ltd. GETUS is unable to guarantee serviceability at your new residence including your activation dates provided. We will do our best to cater to your requirements, although your patience and understanding is appreciated. Please initial to agree to these terms. Confirmation will be provided within 72 business hours from the vendor.
