
The product/service you have chosen has the following configuration options for you to choose from.


Home Phone - GETTALK Unlimited Canada-wide Calling *All Features - $24/mo
Billing Cycle


Free ATA Phone Adapter ($49 Value) for the duration of the subscription with In-market GETUS Plans. Equipment to be returned within 30-days of Cancellation or value of ATA Adapter will be invoiced ($49) + fees and taxes. Lifetime Warranty included - excluding water/physical damage. The equipment will be shipped at no charge by our courier, Purolator. Often arrives in as little as 2-3 days.
$0.00CAD Monthly
Tacking #UNIGNORABLE issues in communities across Canada - donate a loonie ($1) - we'll double it!
$1.00CAD One Time
Tacking #UNIGNORABLE issues in communities across Canada - donate a toonie ($2) - we'll double it!
$2.00CAD One Time

Additional Required Information

Phone Number?
Current Phone Provider? New Number? Skip this!

Do not contact your current provider to cancel or make changes if you plan to bring your existing number, as you may lose your number before it’s transferred to GETUS or delay your transfer. GETUS cannot transfer any voicemails, long distance plans, extra star-code services, or your current provider’s equipment.
Existing Phone Number (If applicable) - we'll port your number from elsewhere at no charge! - New Number? Skip this!
Address on the bill with Current Provider (Address much match in order for us to bring an existing number) New Number? Skip this!
911 Address for GetTalk

GETUS uses Basic 911, which has important limitations compared to traditional 911. You must update your 911 address with GETUS each time you move GetTalk to another location. Please Include your full service address with postal code.

The GetTalk 911 Policy is critical. It describes limitations on emergency services, including the need to check and update your address. If you are going to be moving your GetTalk service to a new address, please update your address. In the event of emergency calls, 9-1-1 responders will be dispatched to the address that you have as your phone location! You agree and understand where the policy is set forth including all Terms & Conditions set forth 24/7 on
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